Pointers in C

May 15, 2021 0 Comments

Pointers in C

Pointers in C, It is a variable that contains the address of a variable.

Pointer Declaration:

typ_spec *Name;
int a = 20;
int *p; // p is a pointer to integer 
p = &a;

 pointer size is always equal to the word size of architecture.

on 32-bit – 4 bytes

0n 64-bit – 8 bytes

int main() {
        int *i;
        char *c;
        double *d;
        float *f;
        long long int *lli;

        printf(" %lu ",sizeof(i));
        printf(" %lu ",sizeof(c));
        printf(" %lu ",sizeof(d));
        printf(" %lu ",sizeof(f));
        printf(" %lu\n",sizeof(lli));
        return 0;

Pointers in C, It should initialize with the return value of the “&” operator or with NULL

Pointer support read/write operations over data with a unary operator “*” called as dereference operator

int *p = NULL;

int a = 10, b;
int *q = &a;
*q=100;	/* Write operation on integer data */ 
b=*q;	/* Read operation on data with pointer */

Pointer supports below arithmetic operators

+,- (Binary operators)

++,– (Unary operators)

Increment / Decrement operation with pointers will increment / decrement by data size.

int *p;
p = p+1; // increments by 4 bytes (data size is 4 bytes)

char *c;
c = c+2; // increments by 2 bytes (data size is 1 byte)

Generic or Void Pointers:

Generic pointers are those pointers that can use to store the address of any type of symbol and declaring

void *p;

void pointers can’t be dereference as those pointers consider as pointers to no type.

Those pointers can dereference, first typecast those void pointers to some specific type, and dereference

#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    int a = 10;
    void *p;
    p = &a;
    *(int *)p = 100;
    printf("%d %d", a, *(int *)p);

    return 0;

Pointer to const :

The pointer to constant variable can’t dereference for the write operation. Formally syntax is

const data_type *name;
const int *p; // pointer to integer constant

Constant pointers:

The Constant pointer variable can be a dereference for reading and write operation, can’t update with the new address. Formally syntax is

data_type *const name;
int *const p;

Constant pointer to constant:

The Constant pointer to constant variable can’t dereference read and write operation, can’t update with the new address. Formally syntax is

const data_type *const name;
const int *const p;
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