Networking Interview Questions

May 7, 2021 0 Comments

Networking Interview Questions

Networking Interview Questions

1. Difference between hub, bridge, switch, and router?

2. What is SNMP protocol?

3. what is the SNMP Header and size of the header?

4. Difference between SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3?

5. What are the OSI layers?

6. What are the TCP/IP layer?

7. Differences between TCP and UPD?

8. What is the header size and packet size of TCP, IP, and UDP?

9. What is the use of NAT?

10. What are the Routing Protocols?

11. What is DHCP and what are the packets exchanged between server and client?

12. What is PPPoE?

13. What is VLAN and what are the different modes on VLAN?

14. What is ARP and RARP?

15. What is ICMP?

16. What is IGMP?

17. What is a 3-way handshake in TCP?

18. Which bit is used to close connection TCP? 

19. What is DNS?

20. What are the socket API calls on server and client in TCP or UDP?

21. How does the server find out what client port to send to?

22. What is IP tunneling?

23. What are the IP address classes?

24. What is the private IP address range?

25. What is the classful and classless network?

26. what is SNMP trap and inform?

Networking Interview Questions

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  1. Coming up with such curated collection definitely helps the thirst quenchers who are willing to get into networking domain.

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